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Jan 41 min read
Brokenness and Tender Places
We are all broken people. Living in a broken world. Surrounded by other broken people. We find the most pain when these tender places are...

Dec 7, 20242 min read
O Come All You Unfaithful
An over-sparkly Christmas experience can miss those in pain. Yet it is in the dark, empty, smelly places that God is often working unseen.

Nov 30, 20242 min read
One of My Favourite Ways to Calm: Be still and know
One of my favourite ways to help calm my own mind and body is through a breathing exercise which incorporates Psalm 46:10.

Oct 12, 20241 min read
Counselling Is Brave Work
It takes incredible courage to do the kind of deep-heart work that people do in counselling.

Sep 28, 20242 min read
You're Worth Protecting
You're worth protecting.
Sit with that for a moment. Now take a deep breath and read it again...
You are worth protecting.

Jul 6, 20242 min read
Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy - Lament
Sometimes we feel that the urging in the bible to "not be afraid" feels like a condemnation of fear and anxiety.

May 25, 20242 min read
Try Softer
There are lots of books on counselling and self-help out there, but one in particular that has my attention at the moment is the book Try...

May 18, 20242 min read
What is Trauma?
One approach to defining trauma uses 3 E's: Event, Experience, Effect

Apr 13, 20241 min read
Wounded Healer
The phrase "wounded healer" is famous in some circles. Take a minute to consider what it means... Not a guru who is wholly separate and...

Mar 9, 20242 min read
Christian Counselling for Non-Christians
So you've ended up on a Christian Counselling website. What could Christian counselling possibly offer a non-Christian? Perhaps the idea...
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