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Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy - Lament

Sometimes we feel that the urging in the bible to "not be afraid" feels like a condemnation of fear and anxiety. But consider for a moment, "do not be afraid" perhaps is a being said not to dismiss the fear and anxiety, but as a recognition that things are scary and hard in this world. And that you are not alone in that place of fear - you do not have to be consumed by fear even if it is scary.

A book I often recommend to my Christian clients is the book Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop. This book is a great one for those who are struggling with life not being what they long for it to be whether due to chronic illness, bereavement, life transitions, or ongoing difficulty. Vroegop does a great job of guiding readers through the process of lament using the Psalms.

And the most amazing part for many of us, he encourages us through scripture to complain and say to God "this is not okay!"

Because it's true . . . sometimes things are just not okay! And the good news, God knows that too. He agrees with you!

A few notes if you choose to practice lament:

If you're a chronically positive person, remember not to rush to the end where we say "but God..." and encourage our hearts with his promises. Sometimes grief is the appropriate response.

If you're feeling stuck in the low places, remember to end with the "but God..." promises, even if they don't feel complete for you. Sometimes these are statements of present truth, sometimes they are statements of faith. It takes practice to be thankful and sometimes it feels like hard work.

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