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Counselling Is Brave Work

Updated: Jan 13

I have met with several people today who are deep into the work of addressing their trauma, working through difficuties in life from family, their own broken bodies, and broken relationships. One thing I have thought time and time again today: "They are so brave."

I wish my clients knew how brave they are. Counselling is brave work. Even when I tell them, I am not sure they really see the deep truth in the courage they have shown in just showing up. Seriously.

It takes incredible courage to do the kind of deep-heart work that people do in counselling. And especially if your past has been full of people telling you how you don't matter, how your emotions aren't important, or how your experiences aren't really significant because it's in the past.

It is really, incredibly courageous work.

Courage is about moving towards something difficult, knowing that it might bring challenges with it, and choosing to do so anyway. That sounds like what people do in counselling. Choosing the to do the deep-heart work, while knowing the task is difficult.

So, if you are addressing your deep heart-wounds... know that I see you. I see how much it takes to step into that darkness not knowing what is on the other side. I see the tenderness, the vulnerability, and the pain in that place.
And I see how incredibly brave you are.

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